Risk Visualizer
product allows you to create your forecasted cash flow summary by entering your projected foreign currency transactions and provides the capability to monitor your foreign exchange (FX) risk exposure. This product combines customizable input parameters, integrated foreign exchange rates, and the ability to set personalized hedge thresholds. After you have entered your cashflow information, the will present an in-depth analysis of your cash flow risk. This analysis will allow you to identify whether you have a surplus or a shortfall and make informed decisions necessary to mitigate such FX risks.You can manage any potential shortfalls in your hedging transactions by either Booking a Forward Trade or you can Rollover To move or extend a Forward or Options contract by a certain duration. or Drawdown
To exercise a contract before its value date is refered to as the Drawdown of a Forward or an Options contract. your existing forward contracts using Drawdown. Any of the recommended risk mitigation actions can be booked from the Risk Exposure Summary page.
To access the
page, in the toolbar, under , click .Proceed to the section Cashflow History.
Explore our Frequently Asked Questions, see Risk Visualizer FAQ.